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Write For Us Internet – Guest Post

Write For Us Internet

At Snabay Networking, we are continuously looking for skilled writers who can provide high-quality original content. In exchange, you will receive full credit for the article, a biographical author page, and links to your website at the top and bottom of each piece you write. Below is a sample of the bio page you will get. Please be aware that we do permit a normal author box at the conclusion of guest postings. We need to hear your ideas for blog posts first because there is so much spam. If we appreciate your ideas, you will be given a contributor account, which essentially implies that your post will be published after review.

Note: For Guest posts, you can contact snabaynetworking.com or email info@snabaynetworking.com.

Guest posting is one of the most effective techniques to obtain high-quality backlinks from other websites. It aids in boosting website traffic and can be applied to spreading brand awareness. By gaining visibility on multiple websites simultaneously, guest posting helps you increase the number of backlinks pointing to your website. As an illustration, if you create an article about how to make apple pie on one website, cross-promote it by including links to your own blog or websites. By submitting an article to relevant blogs that do not accept new submissions, you can also gain visibility through guest blogging.

Why Use Technology Write for us on Snabay Networking is Important:

  • Having a lot of traffic
  • Recurrent Updates
  • Google rankings are aided by high domain authority and domain rating.

What we are seeking:

Keep in mind that we only post original content, which is content that hasn’t already been published elsewhere (including on your personal blog). After reviewing your entry, we will grant you access. Your post can be contributed to or submitted at Snabay Networking.com (Info@snabaynetworking.com).

Guidelines & Rules:

The guidelines were put in place to maintain the site’s integrity and high standard of posts. 

  • The article/post should not be copied and posted anywhere on the internet, not even on your own blog (neither party benefits from duplicate content).
  • Any photos used in the post must not interfere with the website’s appearance. The maximum width of any image you publish should not be greater than 570 pixels.
  • If it is appropriate, you may link to your own blog (e.g., referring to a coding example or whatnot). But, you shouldn’t actively push readers to visit your blog or produce articles on issues to demonstrate a link to it.

First steps to getting your article published:

  • Digital marketing industry, business, marketing, internet marketing, travel, fashion, education, lifestyle, tech gadgets, wearable technology, social media marketing, technology, and telecommunications are the main areas of attention.
  • A piece of writing with 850 to 2000 words.
  • Deliver Original Content; charge a fee for errors; and check for Plagiarism before sending.
  • We give our readers clear, error-free, and useful solutions.
  • Make sure that your content has defined h2, h3, and h4 points. The length of your title should be 50โ€“60 characters, and the length of your meta description should be 155 characters.
  • At the conclusion of the post, including any Important Takeaways or conclusions.
  • With a headshot and social media connections, including an “Author Bio.”
  • Provide at least one link to a Snabay Networking story that is pertinent.
  • To keep your readers interested, conclude your post.


  • Employ concise paragraphs and sentences.
  • When feasible, avoid jargon and instead give context or an explanation.
  • Must include a few links, article URLs, or further information.
  • To break up long body material, use headings, titles, and subtitles.
  • Unless you can’t link to a cited site online, omit the reference list.
  • A do-follow link is acceptable, but we won’t post any links or anchor text that directly compete with our services.

Where can you insert an article link?

Two locations on a specific keyword are permitted for you to place your link. The conditions under which we will provide a connection to you can vary greatly.

Content Body: The link you provide should be relevant to the article’s topic and may be included in the content body section.

Author Profile: Your website and social media accounts can be seen here under the heading “Author Profile.”


Due to the number of entries, we are unable to reply to each one right away. Please refrain from sending numerous follow-up emails right after your initial submission. Send a follow-up email to our editorial team about your submission if you haven’t heard back from it after 2โ€“6 weeks.

Please make sure you adhere to these submission requirements; otherwise, your work may be rejected without further review, subject to amendment, or for consideration at a later time.

What Do We Write?

Education in Digital Marketing: 

If you are an authority in the field and have information to share with our readers, please give us your advice, how-to articles, case studies, trends, and listicles.

Specialists in internet marketing: 

These kinds of knowledge and information are essential for every firm because of the rising need for internet marketing.

Expert opinions: 

If you are an industry expert with relevant experience and a strong online presence, you are welcome to provide your thoughts on anything related to the themes.


You can provide an infographic along with an introduction if it is well-made.

Details about the author: 

  • brief explanation (200 characters).
  • Links in social handles.
  • Picture size: 230px by 230px (.jpg or .png).

What we refuse to consider:

  • We don’t accept articles with a lot of typos or that are difficult to understand.
  • articles that are of no interest to readers.
  • We don’t accept articles like those that were just released.
  • Lack of sufficient sources of information in an article.
  • We do not accept stories that have already been published on other websites, social media platforms, or other venues.


Please attempt to center your essay around one of the following topics (but I’m open to suggestions for more subjects; just let me know what you have in mind):

  • Blogging
  • Using the Internet
  • SEO
  • Traffic Generation and Link Building
  • Marketing Affiliate
  • Active Income
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Investing
  • Individual Growth
  • Web-based lifestyle

Internet writing and search engines

Search engine optimization (SEO), metadata, and tags are likely to be some of the terms you come across frequently when looking for internet writing assistance. These are all related to how easily information can be found online or how search engines operate. Search engine optimization is the practice of altering your page to increase its likelihood of being found by search engines and to get it closer to the top of search results for a given term.

Data about data is known as metadata. In terms of search, it refers to information that only search engines can view. A longer title, a summary of your writing, and tags or keywords that describe the content might be included. Obtaining relevant metadata facilitates the search

Advantages of Write For Us Technology:

  • Get Domain Authority

Our website’s Domain Authority and blog statistics can both be improved by contributing an article.

  • Always anticipate more traffic

Creating quality content can raise blog value, boost website traffic, and enhance search engine results. The use of guest posts can help you accomplish these objectives.

  • Identify new contacts.

More users translate into greater traffic, which generates more leads and revenues.

  • Domain Assessment

For a website to be valuable, a high Domain Rating is required, which can be obtained by publishing guest posts on reliable blogs.

  • Your keywords’ position in search results will rise.

Sharing content is common because writing for other blogs improves search engine rankings. Relevant papers with thorough research are crucial.

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